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Vasiliki Zisi

Vasiliki Zisi

Aging and Physical activity

Dr. Vasiliki Zisi is an Associate Professor of physical activity in the elderly in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science at the University of Thessaly, Greece. She received her BSc in Sport Science (1988) and her PhD (2001) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and her MSc (1998) from the Democritus University of Thrace. She has published more than 45 peer reviewed articles in international and Greek journals, in the areas of exercise psychology, motor learning and school physical education and she has participated in more than 15 research projects funded by the Greek Government and/or the European Commission. She serves as an assistant editor of the journal “Inquiries in Sport and Physical Education” and has served as a reviewer for 5 national and international journals. She is a member of several international and national scientific associations and she also serves as an international judge on Rhythmic Gymnastics. Areas of her interest are: Physical activity and cognitive function, psychological health, quality of life. Physical activity patterns in the elderly. Promoting exercise and other health behaviors, mainly in adults and adolescents. Motor control and learning - Individual differences and elite performance in sport and especially in dance and rhythmic gymnastics.

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Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

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