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Mary Hassandra

Mary Hassandra

School Physical Education and Health

My research applies behavioural and motivational theories to build interventions for behaviour change. I have developed several intervention programs for schools, health care and community settings in Greece and Finland, mainly for exercise behaviour. I have secured funding for 5 projects as principal investigator or coordinator (950.000 euro) and participated as a research associate in 12 more (5.500.000 euro), in Greece and Finland. I teach courses at Bachelor and Master studies levels the last 20 years; I have supervised more than 35 master students’ thesis and co-supervised six doctoral students’ thesis, in Greece and Finland. I have been invited as a speaker for 7 workshops and lectures in Greece and other European countries and I have delivered several training seminars for physical education teachers in Greece. I have developed a strong international network of research collaborators working on several projects. I have published more than 50 papers in scientific and professional journals and 5 books or book chapters and presented more than 70 times on Greek and International conferences and congresses. I have acted as reviewer for 18 scientific and scholarly journals in the areas of sports, physical education, exercise psychology, health psychology and health technology. I enjoy working within multidisciplinary teams and share expertise to solve problems, therefore, I have served as an expert consultant to translate research for the wider community needs. For example, I consult Wellness and Fitness Technology based companies to improve their products and services, or how research is translated to help physical activity promotion for health in city or community level. Finally, I am a member of the experts’ group at the European Commission for the Erasmus+ programs.

Full Curriculum Vitae


Working Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

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