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Panagiotis Tsimeas

Panagiotis Tsimeas

Applied Teaching in Sports with an emphasis on Developmental Ages

Panagiotis Tsimeas has been a member of the Teaching Staff of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science (DPESS) of the University of Thessaly (UTH) since 2009. He taught in the department as a contract holder from 2001 to 2004. He graduated (1998) and earned his PhD (2006) with honours from the DPESS of UTH. During his undergraduate studies, he received four scholarships from the Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation (IKY). During his doctoral studies, he received a 3-year scholarship from the Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation (IKY). He has a long teaching experience (>30 years) in Basketball, both competitively and academically and has been a member of the Hellenic Association of Basketball Coaches since 2001. At DPESS of UTH, he teaches undergraduate courses related to Basketball while he has taught Handball and Computer skills. As a fitness coach of men's basketball teams, he has been champion of Thessaly prefecture (2007-08) and 3rd National Division (2009-10). As a basketball coach in a women's team, he has been champion of Thessaly prefecture (2013-2014). His research focuses on children's exercise, physical activity, and team sports fitness coaching. He has participated in writing two books, two book chapters, 35 publications, of which 29 are in international journals and over 50 announcements at national and international scientific conferences. At the same time, he is a reviewer in seven scientific journals and has participated in four European research programs, five research programs of the Research Committee of UTH and AUTH and four self-financed ones.

Full Curriculum Vitae


Working Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

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