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Draganidis Dimitrios

Draganidis Dimitrios

Strength and Conditioning Training & Exercise-induced Inflammation - Aging

Dimitrios Draganidis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science of University of Thessaly, since 2021. He received his bachelor degree from Democritus University of Thrace in 2010 and in 2015 received his MSc degree in sports performance from the interdepartmental Master’s degree program "Exercise and Quality of Life" run by Democritus University of Thrace and University of Thessaly. During his MSc he completed a one-year traineeship as a research assistant at Nestle Research Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland, participating in a clinical trial that investigated the impact of exercise and nutrition on muscle metabolism. In 2018, he completed his PhD at the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science of University of Thessaly, after conducting a clinical study examining the impact of chronic low-grade systemic inflammation on muscle metabolism, in older adults. From 2019 till 2021 he taught at the same department as an assistant Lecturer. He currently teaches at the undergraduate (Nutrition and Exercise, Techniques of muscle-strengthening exercises, Strength and Conditioning Coach) and postgraduate courses of the school (MSc Programs "Exercise & Health", "Military Fitness & Wellbeing" and "Exercise, Ergo-Spirometry and Rehabilitation"). His research interests are focused on the interaction between exercise, immune system and metabolism in health and sports performance. He is the author or a co-author in more than 50 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals of well-established databases and in more than 90 conference abstracts.

Full Curriculum Vitae


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Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 3:00 pm

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